Wednesday 26 September 2012

Week 1-3: Basis of C Language

To me, a freshman at university, everything is new and fresh. In the first semester, CSCI1110 is undoubtedly the course I most looking forward to study. Believe it or not, I love computers. Choosing between Information Engineering and Computer Science has already driven me crazy, imagine how excited I am when  I can study Computer Science course as a student of Information Engineering.

Programming is a new field to me, absolutely. Although I have studied Computer & Internet Technology in cert. level, I chose multimedia stream at that time. Multimedia and HTML can be easily accessed in our daily computer uses, I learnt web authoring by myself  since I was still in primary school. However, we cannot easily gain knowledge about programming when using computers. Now I have the chance to make friend with programming!

The lecture courses of CSCI1110, out of my expectation, is not that interesting. Hmmm... maybe this is because of the  beginner level, what we have learnt are mostly theoretic stuff but not so practical. Nevertheless, those knowledge is very important for me to build a clear concept of computing in my mind. I have learnt the syntax,expression, structure, elements,... of a high level language: C language. It is told that C language is small and relatively easy to learn, and I quite enjoy attending the lessons. I have just learnt different operators, prefix and postfix forms, and field-widths control in the previous week. I found that they are actually like maths, but involve some special rules which are just for programming, it is quite interesting and I should pay attention to them to avoid mixing up with maths. 

The professor has suggested some reference book, or called textbooks for us, I visited CUHK Library and a public library after class to find them but failed. Finally, I have borrowed a reference book written in Chinese, surely for Chinese to read and understand, so I think it will be suitable for me as a beginner to learn.

This week, the first assignment in CSCI, and even my university studies, is going to be handed in! I can finally put what I have gained in the lesson into a practical way. The assignment consists of two parts: This first part is a typing exercise, we just need to type the given program which is shown in image form into Visual C++ 2010 Express; the second part is to describe what this program does.

This assignment aims at helping us to get acquaint with the Visual Studio/ C++ programming environment. I have tried Visual C++ 2010 Express, it is definitely a new toy for me, HAHA! 

Below is a part of my typing work, strictly followed the given sample. Hope that there is no typing mistakes.

This assignment requires us to try to compile and execute the program with appropriate arguments. I have succeeded!


Unknown said...

What a coincidence!! I am somehow doing the same course as you are! I do feel the same way about taking this course, an exciting thing to learn=]
And I could understand why you feel bored and dissatisfied. For the first few weeks, like you said, is always of those monotonous theoretical stuff, but the basics can never be ignored in my opinion. If we don't have the basics we could never reach higher levels so, in a way of calling, it is a torture that we have to take and handle.
Moreover, the topic on prefixes and postfixes are boring, yet crucial to our learning, if we mix up the precedences,we would never be able to run the certain program correctly.
Well, that's all I have to say by now, good luck with your studies=]

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